Foundation Class Brno
Sat, 07 Dec
|Freskový sál, Zelný trh, Brno
with Marketa Podana, CF

Time & Place
07 Dec 2024, 10:00 – 10 Dec 2024, 13:00
Freskový sál, Zelný trh, Brno
Event Information
I cordially invite you to the unique Foundation class in the beautiful Fresco Hall in the very center of Brno.
Why here?
My classes are an invitation to you, your consciousness and the life you may not yet know you can have... but you can have it!✨
About the Access Foundation class®
This class has changed my life and I am honored to now be a space for you and what you are asking for in your life.
Foundation is one of the amazing higher Access Consciousness classes where we look at many areas of your life, particularly focusing on those where you are currently not at ease or would like a change. Relationships, Finances, Health, Creation, Energy Functioning, Entities, Healing, Distraction Implants... and much, much more. Foundation also includes caring for your body through a body process.
You will release limitations that you were not even aware of until now. What completely new space will open up for you after you graduate from Foundation?
Foundation changes the foundation you've built your life on.
On what foundations have you built your reality called your life?
Are those foundations even yours and what you really want to build on? Or are they the foundations of someone else completely, and are you building your life on something that is not true for you and only because something should be or that someone expects something from you?
Are some areas in your life not working the way you would like them to?
If you desire to change anything, change your perspectives and the foundations on which you have built your life. With tools from the Foundation class, it's easy!
With the help of the amazingly simple and effective tools of Access Consciousness, we go really deep and into all areas of your life.
You can ask anything during this 3.5 day class. Together we will go through the manual, at the same time this course is made up of each of you, your unique energy, your questions, your willingness to let go of the old and useless...
"No question is a stupid question, only stupid people don't ask." Gary Douglas
What have you been searching for but never been able to find?
Tools to clear the foundation of limitation you've created your life from and change any area of your life with ease? Whether that be within relationship, with money, your body, health or your career?
What would you actually like your life to look like if you had nothing holding you back? Everything is possible and anything can change!
During this 3.5 day class participants will learn the foundational tools required to change any area of their life, access more of themselves, step into the magic they truly be & get out of their own way.
Foundation class topics include:
Relationships (with self and others)
Having ease with the spirit world
Tools to create your life
Being a healer
What can we create together?
I look forward to seeing you! ❤️
❓Prerequisites: 1 x Access Bars® class at anytime
📍Class Venue: Fresco Hall, Zelný trh, Brno
💰 Foundation Class Price
2250€* - 100% country pricing
*country pricing and repeat pricing applies
Reduced price for participants repeating the class within 24 months and adolescents aged 16-17.
The class for children under 16 is free when accompanied by an adult.