Hi, my name is Nelinka and I am 7 years old. I'm a magic painter who paints magic pictures. My skills and talents are persuasive, I see through playing cards and sometimes I see to the people's heads.
I once saw the film Our Planet. It was about people destroying the planet and my dream is to learn a lot of languages so I can travel the world and tell all people not to.
What are those magical pictures doing? Whoever buys the picture will make him even more money and contribute to everything he wants.
My dad and mom set up this website for me so that I could sell these magical pictures to the world and create money for dresses, lollipops, and I also want to buy my parents a beautiful Mercedes, which costs CZK 4 million. It's simple, if I sell a picture for 4 million, or 4 pictures for 1 million, so we buy it, I've already figured it out.
10% of each picture will go to my abundance account, 10% to the Action for Futures project and I'll buy what I want for the rest of money.
I really enjoy painting pictures and receiving money for it too.
Thank you for every picture you buy, let it bring joy and lightness to your life and do what you enjoy!